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Migration from v6 to v7

The migration process from express-validator v6.x.x to v7.x.x is manual. You'll need to follow these steps after you've upgraded the package on your project.


Node 12 is no longer supported. You'll need to upgrade to Node 14 or newer.

Removed deprecated APIs

Import paths

Importing from express-validator/check and express-validator/filter had been deprecated since v6.0.0. They are now gone from the package, and you should always import from express-validator.

Sanitization-only APIs

All sanitize functions have been removed, as check functions offer exactly the same functionality, and more.

You can replace the following snippets on your codebase:


TypeScript types

The following types have been removed from express-validator and can be transparently replaced:




The strict option, when unset, would default to false, meaning that arrays and null values would pass validation. The new default value is true.

To maintain v6.x.x behavior, the following change is necessary:

- check('object').isObject()
+ check('object').isObject({ strict: false })

Validation errors

Validation errors used to be objects in the format { param, msg, value, location, nestedErrors }, where nestedErrors is only present in errors caused by oneOf(), which would also always have the path: '_error'.

Given that there are now a couple more error types, a couple of changes were necessary:

Renamed properties

The param property has been renamed to path, to reduce chance of confusion with the req.params location.

const errors = validationResult(req).array();
- console.log(`Error on the field ${errors[0].param}`);
+ console.log(`Error on the field ${errors[0].path}`);

Telling error types apart

The ValidationError type in TypeScript is now a discriminated union.

It might be necessary to use a switch or if statements to check that you're dealing with the type that you want to format/debug. For example:

const result = validationResult(req).formatWith(error => {
switch (error.type) {
case 'field':
// this is a FieldValidationError
return `Error on field ${error.path}`;

case 'alternative':
case 'grouped_alternative':
// this is an AlternativeValidationError or GroupedAlternativeValidationError
return error.msg;

case 'unknown_fields':
// this is an UnknownFieldValidationError
const fields = => field.path).join(', ');
return `Unknown fields found, please remove them: ${fields}`;

// Not a known type.
throw new Error(`Not a known express-validator error: ${error.type}`);

For the up-to-date documentation, see the ValidationError type.



The signature of oneOf() has changed. Its second argument used to be the message to use, but now it's an object of options.

[check('email').isEmail(), check('phone').isMobilePhone()],
- 'At least one contact method must be provided',
+ { message: 'At least one contact method must be provided' }

Furthermore, if message is a function, its signature has also changed to include the list of nested errors:

[check('email').isEmail(), check('phone').isMobilePhone()],
- (req) => {
+ {
+ message: (nestedErrors, req) => {
+ console.log(nestedErrors);
return req.translate('one_of_error'),

Error type

oneOf() used to be a bit inflexible with how it returned nested errors, which is why it now takes an errorType option that allows extra customizations.

To maintain behavior from v6.x.x, make the following change:

[check('email').isEmail(), check('phone').isMobilePhone()],
+ { errorType: 'flat' }

Learn more on the error types documentation.

Other breaking changes

Please check express-validator v7.0.0 release notes to learn about other breaking changes.